Image illustrative de The Oath
Image illustrative de The Oath

The Oath

Explores a world of gangs made up of those sworn to protect, defend and shed light on corrupt and secret societies.

Terminée Américaine 60 minutes
Drame, Policier, Crime, Drama Sony Crackle 2018

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.07 - Hunted


An FBI raid gone wrong takes WMD off the streets but leaves Neckbone out for Raven blood. Agent Price demands Hammond bring his father into the fold by any means necessary. Tom uses a successful heist to assert his precarious power. From hiding, Neckbone begins to exact his revenge.

Diffusion originale : 08 mars 2018

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Diffusion française : 08 mars 2018
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Jeff T. Thomas
Scénariste.s : Elizabeth Padden , Kathy McCormick
Guest.s : Andrew Howard , Billy Malone , Danny Borbon , Elisabeth Röhm , Gabriel Rodriguez , Isaac Keys , Isabel Arraiza , J. Anthony Pena , Kwame Patterson , Linda Purl , Marian Pabón , Michael Malarkey , Oscar Morales , Sarah Dumont

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